I am reaching the beginning of my 2nd trimester and this little baby #2 has been sucking out my creativity and energy. I have meant to stop by my blog a little sooner but the baby has put a damper on my motivation too. lol
But we feel very blessed to finally give London a playmate and complete or family. London will turn 4 right around the time the baby is supposed to be here (hopefully not on the same day as he turns 4, but what can ya do). We are very excited and I am just trying to make it through this HOT summer, one day at a time!
And here are the teacher gifts I made for London's preschool teachers this year. I started this tradition last year and I think I will continue it.
I was not sure what to do for his teacher as far as subject this year so I researched some inspirational quotes and that got my wheels turning. I need to work a little bit on my handwriting but I do love how they both turned out and his teachers seemed pleased. I just hope that they realize how wonderful they were this year, London had a great time at school all year. I can't wait for him to be in the 3 yr old room (3 days a week...whoo hoo!)
And Finally, here are 2 custom pieces that I worked on for quite sometime. My client was in no hurry and I was so nausea's that I just seriously took my time. The one on the left has 3 boy fairies in an evergreen tree. They are singing and playing instruments. The one on the right featured 3 female fairies singing and dancing in a weeping willow that is suppose to be colorful b/c it is Fall.
I feel a little caught up here but I know we have been up to a lot since I last blogged. We spend lots of mornings and early afternoons swimming and playing at the Y. Summer is nice but I can't wait for the crunchy leaves of Fall and the crisp air to return. My goal this Autumn is to actually make it up to the mountains and do some apple picking. Perhaps if I write it down here I will actually go do it.
Take care and thanks for being patient with me.
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